Welcome to the Programs and Activities page of International Adi Shankracharya Research & Awareness Foundation, located in the Hague, Netherlands. Our centre is dedicated to preserving and promoting the teachings & philosophy the great sage Adi Shankracharya through various programs and activities designed to support personal growth, spiritual development, and cultural enrichment. Here are some of our current offerings:

Our Programs and Activities programs include the following:

Meditation & Yoga Classes
Meditation & Yoga Classes

Our meditation and yoga classes are designed to help individuals develop inner peace, physical wellness, and spiritual growth. Our experienced teachers offer a range of courses suitable for beginners to advanced practitioners.

Workshops and Retreats
Workshops and Retreats

We offer workshops and retreats focused on Vedic studies, Astrology, Sanskrit language, Ayurveda, literature & soft skill development. These programs allow participants to deepen their knowledge and understanding of these ancient sciences and practices.

Spiritual Practices
Spiritual Practices

We provide opportunities for individuals to deepen their connection to the divine through Vedic traditions of Worship and other spiritual practices. Our organisation plans to build a beautiful Vedic temple, where visitors can experience the divinity, spirituality, culture, and to seek blessings.

Mindfulness Classes
Mindfulness Classes

Our Mindfulness classes are designed to help individuals develop awareness about the present moment, to be more productive, and to reduce stress. Our experienced teachers offer Mindfulness classes suitable for beginners to advanced practitioners.

Cultural Enrichment
Cultural Enrichment

Our centre is committed to promoting education and awareness about Adi Shankracharya and beyond. We offer courses and workshops on language and literature, music, dance, and art. We also host cultural events and festivals throughout the year to celebrate the diverse traditions of our community.

Study Programs
Study Programs

We offer study programs that give students an in-depth understanding of various subjects such as Hindu philosophy, Sanskrit language, Vedic Astrology, & soft skills development. These programs are taught by experienced and knowledgeable faculty members and are designed to provide students with a strong foundation in their chosen subjects.

In addition to our regular offerings, we also host guest lectures and workshops featuring prominent scholars and practitioners from around the world. These events provide participants with a unique opportunity to learn from experts in their field and engage in meaningful dialogue and exchange.

At International Adi Shankracharya Research & Awareness Foundation, we are committed to creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment where individuals can grow and develop their skills and knowledge. We invite you to explore our programs and activities and join us on this journey of discovery and growth.